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Luke Alexander Martin

Luke Alexander Martin was born on a Monday on August 5, 1991. He was released on a Sunday, on April 7, 2019.

He leaves behind his mother, Pamela Joy; his father, Ronald; big sissy, Rachel; his Aunt Nila, grandfather, Craig; his friend and brother Justin; Uncle Jeff, Aunt Tricia, cousins, friends, loved ones, his dogs and his art. He was preceded in death and received by his grandmothers Carolyn and Ellen.

Luke was a talented artist and used his many abilities to create tattoos, he worked in a foundry crafting metals and perfected his discipline of kung fu. He was tall and he was big and he was strong, but his heart was tender and his spirit kind.

He is returned now to the wildflowers, to the December underground, to Valhalla. And he will never not be missed.

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